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LDEQ Accident Number Accident Date |
Point Source/Release | Cause | Notes |
120035 2009-12-10 | Point Source(s): Tank Farm Pollutant(s):Smoke - BRQ Asphalt - 1,000 pounds | Cause of Problem: Human Factors Tank 92 fire inside the tank. Black smoke was visible. 5 to 8 feet of hard pin asphalt was being heated in order to transfer from damaged tank. Fire occurred because heater tubes were exposed from asphalt due to low product level in tank. | Extinguished fire. |
119349 2009-11-08 | Point Source(s): tank farm Pollutant(s):Naphtha - 29,400 gallons | Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure Approximately 700 barrels of naphtha were discharged from the roof of tank 58. The gauging system had failed and manual readings were not taken. | Stopped flow into tank, foamed product,removed naphtha from within diked area. |
118112 2009-09-21 | Point Source(s): tank farm Pollutant(s):Gasoline - 420 gallons | Cause of Problem: No Information Given While attempting to gauge 68 tank, an operator noticed a strong hydrocarbon smell. He began to look for a leak and found one on the south side of 68 tank. He notified the shift supervisor. He responded and found another area of seepage on the east side of 68 tank. Gasoline flowed into plant sewer system. soil removal not required. Cause is unknown. Tank will be internally inspected to determine cause. | Began to transfer product into another tank. Connected water to water draw to allow gasoline to float on the water and eliminate the hazards of releasing gasoline. Taking the tank out of service and establishing an action to repair, gasoline floated on water, no soil removal was required. |
119092 2009-09-04 | Point Source(s): T-44 Pollutant(s):Volatile Organic Compounds - 192,636 pounds | Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure On September 4th the floating roof of T-44 collapsed and no alternate storage was available as T-61 had been out of service since August 4th. Plans were in place to move the contents on T-44 to the other gasoline storage tank T-68, when the floor of T-68 developed a leak on September 31st and it was taken out of service. | T-61 will be back in service by November 6, and T-44 will be taken out of service until then. |
117485 2009-08-23 | Point Source(s): tank farm Pollutant(s):Isomerate - 210 pounds | Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure T-31 was overflowing due to level indicator not working. Day shift operators discovered the overflowing product and switched the incoming product to a different tank (T195) and isolated T-31. | Blocked in tank cleaned up product. Utilized vac trucks to remove product from water surface. |
117003 2009-08-04 | Point Source(s): T-61 Pollutant(s):Gasoline - 4,200 gallons | Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure Roof sank on T-61 releasing approximately 100 barrels of gasoline through roof drain. Product was floating on water on the ground and was draining back into concrete process sewer system. Some product was also on the ground at T-61 and south towards T-44. | Secured area, took LEL readings, foamed area. Jones Env called to remove product. |
116061 2009-06-29 | Point Source(s): MEK Pollutant(s):Methyl Ethyl Ketone - 2 pounds Lubricating Oil - 1 pounds Toluene - 4 pounds Water - 3 pounds | Cause of Problem: Power Failure Due to an electrical power failure, operations were dumping deketonizer bottom water to the sump. Also at the same time operations were dropping out the primary and secondary feed drums to the warm wash receiver. They had only one predilution pump on and the warm wash receiver overflows to the sump. The south sump pump could not keep up and solvent backed out of the sump leg drain at the MEK charge pump. Source of ignition was heat trace that was arcing above the pump. | Fire was extinguished, electrical heat tape turned off, and an electrician was called over to look at it. |
116091 2009-06-29 | Point Source(s): Other Pollutant(s):No Information Given - 0 | Cause of Problem: Human Factors Sour crude heater exploded splitting the heater on two sides. The heater was being restarted as a result of a power failure the previous night. Cause is operations problems. | secured area |
116060 2009-06-28 | Point Source(s): #3 Flare Pollutant(s):No Information Given - BRQ | Cause of Problem: Power Failure Off-site and on-site transformers failed causing complete power failure. #3 flare smoking due to lack of steam | electricians called to restore power. |
116014 2009-06-26 | Point Source(s): Flare #3 Pollutant(s):Sulfur Dioxide - 252 pounds | Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure All 3 flare gas compressors shut down due to electrical breakers tripping. | Electrician called to repair/replace breakers. |
115655 2009-06-12 | Point Source(s): Flare #3 Pollutant(s):Sulfur Dioxide - 850 pounds | Cause of Problem: Power Failure Swepco off-site transformer failed and cause plant power failure at approximately 7pm. SRUs and boilers shut down causing excess SO2 to be released to #3 Flare. Because of lack of boilers thick black smoke was also coming from the #3 flare. | power restored, restarted all process units. |
113122 2009-03-04 | Point Source(s): #3 SRU Pollutant(s):Sulfur Dioxide - 5,600 pounds | Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure #3 SRU shut down to high temperature. The acid Gas was routed to the #3 flare until the #3 SRU could be restarted. | restarted SRU |
112725 2009-02-13 | Point Source(s): Diesel Hydrotreater Pollutant(s):Diesel Fuel - BRQ | Cause of Problem: Seal or Gasket Flange seal leak caused a fire in the diesel hydrotreater unit on the reactor feed effluent exchanger flange on the second deck. | no information given |
112699 2009-02-12 | Point Source(s): Hydrogen Plant Pollutant(s):Hydrogen - 816 pounds Hydrogen Sulfide - 46 pounds | Cause of Problem: Piping or Tubing Piping Flange broke off recycle absorber on LOHT unit | Unit was depressurized and purged with nitrogen. |
112663 2009-02-11 | Point Source(s): #3 flare Pollutant(s):Sulfur Dioxide - 5,640 pounds | Cause of Problem: Power Failure Plant power failure from storm event caused shut-down of processing units. Utility pole was knocked down which caused electrical sub-station to fail. Both Sulfur Recovery Units went down, the belco thermal oxidizers and most other processing units. | Attempting to repair electrical and restart units. LDEQ conducted a field inspection and completed a field interview form: Strong odor was noted upon arrival. Perimeter air monitoring was conducted. SO2 and H2S were the parameters that were monitored. All monitoring showed non-detect. Full PDF was not able to be uploaded at this time. Current PDF does not include LDEQ investigation form. No refinery letter. |
112282 2009-01-23 | Point Source(s): pipeline Pollutant(s):Natural Gas - 0 pounds | Cause of Problem: Process Upset The pressure regulator valve failed on the pipeline supplying natural gas to Calumet. This caused the relief valve to vent the gas. | Relief valves were blocked in and repaired. |
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