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Phillips 66 (2538), Lake Charles

Releases of Benzene

LDEQ Accident Number
Accident Date
Point Source(s) Notes Amount of Release

Y-5 Cooling Tower
Cause: Incident due to leaking exchanger. The root of the cause of the exchanger leak is currently being investigated.

Followup: No

Notes: Facility initially identified a sheen on Y-5 Cooling Tower and the company's environmental monitoring contractors detected 10, 000 ppm or greater VOC vapor concentration on water to Y-5 Cooling Tower. A comprehensive research was immediately initiated
57.0 pounds

LPG Skid Flange
Cause: weld on flange developed leak

Followup: No

Notes: Depressured the receiver to flare so the leaks could be repaired
6.0 pounds

20 underground suction line
Cause: OTHER-equipment grading the road struck the underground line

Followup: No

Notes: The leak in 20 line will be replac
138.0 pounds

Area D Tank Farm
Cause: Seal failure on P-486 resulted in loss of containment of sour naptha

Followup: No

Notes: INCIDENT EXCEEDS RQ. Pump suction and discharge were blocked in when operators were alerted to event from an adjacent operating area
8.0 pounds

Area A Exchanger
Cause: excessive temperature swings in a reboiler caused a flange to open and release stabilized gasoline

Followup: No

Notes: Report states that emission were BRQ. Gas Recovery Plant reboiler leak
1.0 pounds

API/CPI system sludge sump
Cause: gasoline entered the oily water system and caused an upset after operator fails to use appropriate control device

Followup: No

Notes: LEL alarms lowered to alert Operations sooner of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Process and procedures surrounding mgmt of tank water draws and process indicators will be reviewed. Follow-up letter from DEQ states that C-P failed to notify DEQ within 24 hrs of incident and that the tank operator failed to use a control device to block gasoline from entering wastewater system
12.0 pounds

GRP unit
Cause: Exchanger leak in the GRP unit. The channel head was leaking due to a reduction in charge rates.

Followup: No

Notes: No information given.
1.1 pounds

East Tank Farm
Cause: Heavy Naphtha #11 runline expansion joint developed a leak. Refinery letter states that engineering calculations were used to determine quantities of pollutants released.

Followup: No

Notes: The line was blocked in and isolated. ES&H aided in the clean up of the leak and is standing by for support. Expansion joint was removed from the line. They will inspect other expansion joints and replace/remove as necessary. Naphtha is referred to as "oil" in first part of refinery letter, but listed as naphtha in pollutants released section.
0.0 pounds

#3 Cargo Sump
Cause: Unauthorized discharge report states that kerosene flowed out of the concrete basin surrounding #3 Cargo Pump House Sump PPS-29, onto the ground underneath the piperack west of PPS-29 and into the concrete rainwater catch basin southwest of PPS-29. The operator left D-1216 draining unattended. The radar span on PPS-29 was not set properly.

Followup: No

Notes: Sump level was pumped down. The radar span on PPS-29 has been adjusted. The company will consider installing redundant radar level indication on PPS-29. They will consider scheduling annual preventive maintenance and testing on PPS-29 level control system as well as a low level alarm to PPS-29.
0.1 pounds

T-74 Oily Sewer Sump
Cause: Refinery unauthorized discharge notification report states that the T-74 oily sewer pump level indicator appears to have failed to start the pumps operating. Overflow of crude oil into a railroad ditch occurred.

Followup: No

Notes: The oil was cleaned up using vacuum trucks, absorbent booms, and pads. The frequency of operator rounds has been increased. Refinery letter states that no off-site impact occurred and that impact to the sides of railroad ditch were "almost nonexistent."
0.0 pounds

Cause: A plug from a previous repair on the roof of Tank-77 failed. The tank was full; the gasoline pool on the roof grew until the roof was landed on 4/9/13, and estimated to be 14 ft. in diameter at that time.

Followup: No

Notes: Notified SPOC on 4/10/13. The gasoline was drained off and 500 lbs were recovered; an estimated 5800 lbs evaporated between 4/8/13-4/9/13. Based on the composition, an estimated 44 lbs of benzene and 285 lbs of xylene evaporated. Tank-77 taken out of service to repair roof. Engineering calculations estimate 5,800 lbs of VOCs, 44 lbs of Benzene, and 285 lbs of Xylene gases were released, which exceeds the reportable quantity for these compounds.
44.0 pounds

external floating roof of Tank-7
tank-7 roof drain
Cause: External floating roof check valve failed, slowing tank contents on top of the roof. The incident resulted from a mechanical failure of a check valve. Tank material (gasoline/oil/water mix) got on top of floating roof allowing mixture to spill to ground via roof drain. Estimated 2bbls of oil to ground into secondary containment.


Notes: s13-22018 due to a damaged floating roof, gasoline released to containment. A notification was made regarding a release from the external floating roof of Tank-7 located in Area D Tank Farm. An estimated 2 barrels of a gasoline, oil, and water mixture was spilled to the ground through the roof drain within secondary containment. Evaporative losses from spill contained benzene and potentially H2S. Immediate area monitoring non-detect for H2S but detected for benzene. ESH personnel remediated the spill. Blocked roof drain to limit mixture spilling to ground. Drained material from roof but due to slow drain and rain, pump to be put roof top and pump material off floating roof. An estimated 7752 lbs of volatile organic carbons were released to the air exceeding the reportable quantity for VOCs. Fenceline monitoring was conducted for VOCs and Benzene and no offsite impact occurred. Material was cleaned up without any offsite impacts. Investigation will provide more specific cause(s) and any appropriate actions to prevent reoccurrence.
1.0 pounds

Szorb Unit
Cause: A fire occurred on a heat exchanger in the Szorb unit as a result of a leak on the heat exchange system in the Szorb unit. As a result, there was black smoke to atmosphere.

Followup: No

Notes: Feed was pulled from the unit and water monitors were started on surrounding equipment. Investigation is ongoing.
25.0 pounds