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Shell Facility (3462), St. Rose

Releases of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

LDEQ Accident Number
Accident Date
Point Source(s) Notes Amount of Release
81720, 81957, 83713

7-84 (OL-5 Ground Falre, FG-101); 6-84 (OL-5 Elevated Flare, FE-101); 1-90 (GO-1 Elevated Flare, FE602); 3-84 (Utilities East Flare, FE 501)
Cause: Due to shutdown and damages associated with Hurricane Katrina


Notes: The most significnt point source emissions were from the Elevated flare. The report does not include emissions from tanks, HCU Flare, Emergency Bypass Outfall and other equipment that was previously reported.
367.0 pounds