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LDEQ Accident Number Accident Date |
Point Source(s) | Notes | Amount of Release |
117771 2009-09-04 | flare | Cause: Crude unit upset resulted in intermittent flaring from 3 different process vessels. Followup: No Notes: Reduced rates and shutdown isomerzation and LRU unit to minimize flaring until flow rates could be stabilized. Same issue as the release on the previous day. | 133.6 pounds |
117731 2009-09-03 | flare | Cause: Crude unit upset caused flaring from 3 different process vessels. Followup: No Notes: Reduced rates and shutdown isomerzation and LRU unit to minimize flaring until flow rates could be stabilized. | 275.2 pounds |
127252 2010-10-25 | FLARE - FCCU flare | Cause: "Loss of power in Complex II caused operating and utility units to shutdown. This even resulted in flaring from the FCCU flare" Due to the loss of power, the complex II steam producers shut down, therefore the flare steam assist was lost. This resulted in smoking flares. This released the following chemicals: SO2, H2S, NOx, VOC, Hexane, and 1,3 Butadiene. FLARE. Followup: No Notes: A power feed was connected from Complex I to Complex II, and boilers were restarted to produce steam to assist the FCCU flare, and shutdown procedures was continued. No LDEQ report. Refinery Letter only. | 32.0 pounds |
154265 2014-03-04 | FCCU | Cause: On March 4, 2014, there was an air release caused by a flare flame-out at the ALON Krotz Springs Refinery. The release was caused by a loss of the FCCU flare flame for 6 minutes during the shutdown of Complex II/FCCU due to freezing conditions. Caused unburnt gas to be released to the atmosphere for 6 minutes. Followup: No Notes: Re-lit flare LDEQ incident report states that 7-day notification was received on March 13, 2014. Document did not exist in EDMS search. | 0.2 pounds |
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