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Phillips 66 (2538), Lake Charles

Causal Factor: Corrosion

LDEQ Accident Number
Accident Date
Point Source(s) Notes Amount of Release

Cause: corrosive liquid in vessed of the de-ethanizer boiler

Followup: Yes

Notes: report serves as follow up to incident on November 1st. Reboiler was repaired and de-ethanizer was put back in service.
Sulfur Dioxide: 245.0 pounds

Y-5 Cooling Tower (Ep-153)
Cause: Incident due to leaking exchanger.

Followup: No Information Provided

Notes: Upon discovery, facility called an environmental contractor to conduct air monitoring and identified and isolated from the process by switching to an alternate exchanger train. Report stated that incident was preventable. However, based on additional
Volatile Organic Compounds: 71,000.0 pounds

Y-4 Cooling Tower
Cause: Exchanger X-3281 in the #7 HDS Unit failed

Followup: No

Notes: cooling tower side of the exchanger was isolated form the cooling tower water system to stop the release.
Hydrogen Sulfide: 384.0 pounds

Area D potassium hydroxide treater sump
Cause: sump lid had several holes due to corrosion which resulted in release of mercaptans

Followup: No

Notes: CITIZEN COMPLAINT - Strong chemical odor, irritates eyes and thro


Abandoned P66 pipeline
Cause: On October 10, a leak was discovered on an abandoned P66 pipeline, which was actually abandoned in the 1970s. It was determined that the leak was caused by external corrosion.

Followup: No

Notes: Leak was identified on abandoned 20" Phillips 66 pipeline that ran in the same ROW area at 04:30 on 10/25/2013. Clamp was installed on that pipe to stop leak at 10:00 the same day. All contaminated soil has been excavated and stored in a covered roll-off box. Samples were taken and analyzed for TPH 1005 & 1006, BTEX, GRO, and DRO. A vacuum truck was used to pump out the abandoned pipeline in order to expose the other capped end of the abandoned pipeline, and then secured both ends. The excavations will be backfilled with clean imported fill. Impacted soils will be properly disposed. To prevent recurrence, the pipeline was completely purged and capped.
Crude Oil: 149.5 gallons

Common line between T-340 and T-342
Cause: Refinery personnel discovered a leak in piping connected to Tank-340 in the Area D Tank Farm which contained finished diesel. Internal corrosion led to a hole in the piping.

Followup: No

Notes: After the discovery, the leak was depressured, isolated, and clamped. Remediation was done immediately. Diesel was recovered and contaminate soil was removed. The leaking section of pipe was blinded and then removed.
Diesel Fuel: 84.0 gallons

Tank farm T-89
Cause: Incident occurred in Area D, emission point source T-89. A leak was discovered in a 10-inch transfer line inside the T-89 dike wall. Small surface-area leak identified under the insulation. Isolated the leaking line, contacted ES&H responders for remediation assistance. Leak caused by corrosion.

Followup: No

Notes: ES&H were contacted, and a container was brought to the scene to catch the leaking Light Crude Oil (LCO) from transfer line. Line was nitrogen-purged to T-83 (150bbls) and then depressurized to T-60. LCO in dike wall was transferred to vacuum truck.
Light Crude Cycle Oil: 150.0 gallons