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Motiva Enterprises (2719), Convent

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #152354
State Police #13-05057
Accident Date2013-11-13
Report Date 2013-11-18
Follow-up Date 0000-00-00
Follow-up: No

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Process WaterNo information givendischarge hoseNONONOBRQ

Accident Classified As: Below Reportable Quantity (BRQ)

Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure

On November 13, 2013, a release of brine (produced) water occurred at Motiva's Salt Dome Storage Facility in Sorrento, Louisiana. At the time of the release, brine water was being pumped from the South Pit to the North Pit when the discharge hose began spraying produced water onto the ground surface just outside of the brine pits. Initial verbal notification indicates that release was the result of a hose malfunction. The incident was initially reported as a potential exceedance of the 1 barrel reportable quantity for produced water. However, after further calculation, the total amount released during this incident was determined to be below the 1 barrel reportable quantity.

Discharge Preventable - No Information Given

Notes/Remedial Actions

Upon discovery, operations personnel immediately shut down the pump which stopped the leak.