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Motiva Enterprises (2719), Convent

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #145221
tate Police #N/A
Accident Date2012-12-06
Report Date 2012-12-13
Follow-up Date 0000-00-00
Follow-up: No

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Oil1hSump pumpNONONO50.0 gallons

Accident Classified As: Reportable Quantity

Cause of Problem: No Information Given

A sump located at the refinery's laboratory overflowed to the ground and then into a nearby ditch. The incident was caused by a sump overflow.

Discharge Preventable - Yes

The incident was caused by a sump overflow that sump high level alarms would have prevented the incident.

Notes/Remedial Actions

The free oil was contained in the on-site ditch using containment booming. A vacuum truck was then used to clean the oil from the ditch. Immediate actions were taken to reduce levels in the laboratory sump. Oil that had collected in the ditch was contained with booms and recovered using a vacuum truck. There was no free oil or sheen discharged off-site. The incident was caused by a sump overflow. The maintenance department is investigating the sump system and possible restrictions in the discharge piping, which potentially caused the high level in the sump.