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Chalmette Refining (1376), Chalmette

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #No LDEQ Number Available
State Police #12-01651
Accident Date2012-03-16
Report Date 2012-02-24
Follow-up Date 2012-09-12
Follow-up: Yes

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Lube Oil25mOutfall 012NONONOBRQ

Accident Classified As: Below Reportable Quantity (BRQ)

Cause of Problem: Under Investigation

a visible sheen was observed through cooling water outfall 012. The source of the material is believed to have been residual oil remaining from the lube oil release reported initially on February 19.

Discharge Preventable - No

Newly recognized potential for this type of material to accumulate in the outfall 012 piping.

Notes/Remedial Actions

United States Environmental Services deployed containment boom at approximately 1600 hours.