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CITGO Petroleum (1250), Lake Charles

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #123503
State Police #10-02621
Accident Date2010-05-15
Report Date 2010-05-19
Follow-up Date 0000-00-00
Follow-up: No

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Spent CausticNo Information Givenbleeder valve at F-11NONONO105.0 gallons
CAT GasolineNo information Givenbleeder valve at F-11NONOYES63.0 gallons

Accident Classified As:

Cause of Problem: Human Factors

"...A 3/4 inch bleeder valve was left open at the F-11 in the treatment plant area." LDEQ states. Cat gas and spent caustic were released.

Discharge Preventable - No Information Given

No Information Given

Notes/Remedial Actions

BRQ. Report states that no reportable quantities were exceeded. "The free standing material was vacuumed up and the area was washed down and recovered with the vacuum" states LDEQ.