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ExxonMobil Refinery (2638), Baton Rouge

Releases of Xylene

LDEQ Accident Number
Accident Date
Point Source(s) Notes Amount of Release

tank 263
Cause: STORMS- styrene that is not permitted to be stored in tank in the east area south field tanks were emitted while stored in these tanks.

Followup: No

Notes: LCCO is being removed from tank 263 (usual incident number not listed, LAC number given instead); this could have been preventable and the Refinery could have reduced rates, however this was not considered prudent under the given circumstances
No LDEQ Reported

E-568 reboiler
Cause: leak in the E-568 reboiler

Followup: No

Notes: the exchanger was blocked out and the leaking tubes will be plugged; report stated this was not preventable because the exchanger was replaced in 1st quarter of 2003, with the previous bundle in service for 20 years; this bundle has previously leaked once due to suspected mechanical damage during installati
114.0 pounds

tank 766
Cause: level gauge on tank 766 was not responding correctly. Chemicals began flowing out of the drain on the tank.

Followup: Yes

Notes: foam was sprayed on the tank to reduce exposure and fire potential. The tank was slowly emptied to ensure the roof did not shift and damage the tank.
3,313.0 pounds

E3A- & E3B
Cause: safety valves lifted

Followup: No

Notes: There were 2 incidents involved- the 1st did no exceed any reportable quantities, the 2nd incident started on 3/24/05 at 11:21pm and ended at 11:30pm the same day; furnace reboiler was shut down to reduce tower pressure and allow safety valves to reseat; the actual release lasted 9 minutes (from 11:21pm to 11:30pm); the report stated that the safety valve release on 4 LEU was preventable, but the reboiler leak on E-3A was not expected as it was a newer bundle than E-3
10,170.0 pounds

E-205 A/B exchanger bank on the Heavy Cat Naptha Unit
Cause: the E-205 A/B exchanger bank on the Heavy Cat Naptha Unit was leaking to Cooling Tower #27. The leak is believed to be from corrosion on the tube bundle.

Followup: No

Notes: This incident was not preventable because the inspection data for this bank of exchangers did not indicate that a failure was imminent. These bundles were tested in January 2005 and were found to have no leaks. Remedial Measures - the exchanger bundle will be inspected and repaired or replaced as appropriate. The reportable quantities for benzene, toluene, naphthalene, volatile organic compounds, xylene mixed isomers, and o-xylene were exceeded. It is possible that the reportable quantities forylene and p-xylene were also exceeded, but available stream specification data does not allow differentiation between the these two isomers
1,854.0 pounds

E-205 A/B exchanger bank on the Heavy Cat Naptha Unit
Cause: the E-205 A/B exchanger bank on the Heavy Cat Naptha Unit was leaking to Cooling Tower #27. The leak is believed to be from corrosion on the tube bundle.

Followup: No

Notes: This incident was not preventable because the inspection data for this bank of exchangers did not indicate that a failure was imminent. These bundles were tested in January 2005 and were found to have no leaks. Remedial Measures - the exchanger bundle will be inspected and repaired or replaced as appropriate. The reportable quantities for benzene, toluene, naphthalene, volatile organic compounds, xylene mixed isomers, and o-xylene were exceeded. It is possible that the reportable quantities forylene and p-xylene were also exceeded, but available stream specification data does not allow differentiation between the these two isomers
1,854.0 pounds

E-205 C/D exchanger bank on the Heavy Cat Naptha Unit
Cause: the E-205 C/D exchanger bank on the Heavy Cat Naptha unit was leaking to Cooling Tower #27. The leak is believed to be from corrosion on the tube bundle.

Followup: No

Notes: This incident was not preventable because the inspection data for this bank of exchangers did not indicate that a failure was imminent. These bundles were tested in January 2005 and were found to have no leaks. Remedial Measures - the exchanger bundle will be inspected and repaired or replaced as appropriate. The reportable quantities for xylene, benzene, toluene, naphthalene, and volatile organic compounds were all exceeded
847.0 pounds

E-3 exchanger on the Coker
Cause: the leak is believed to have been caused by corrosion and erosion

Followup: No

Notes: There is no information whatsoever as to why the accident was preventable. Remedial Measures- the bundle was replaced with a new bundle. In the letter to LDEQ, Exxon states that the reportable quantities for hydrogen sulfide and benzene were exceeded

E-553B Exchanger at the coker
E-553B Exchanger leak at the coker
Cause: -the E-553B exchanger on the Coker was leaking to Cooling Tower #44. The leak is believed to be from the corrosion on the tube bundle.

Followup: No

Notes: Remedial measures - The leaking tube on the E-553 exchanger will be plugged and the exchanger will be pressure tested before it is returned to service. The accident was not preventable because the exchanger had not leaked previously and the tube bundle was approximately 18 months old. The report letter to LDEQ states that the reportable quantities for benzene, hydrogen sulfide, volatile organic compounds, and 1,3-butadine were exceeded.
6.0 pounds

F-600 furnace at No. 2 Reformer / Powerformer Feed Hydrotreater (RHLA-2) / No. 2 Powerformer
Cause: an instrument malfunction caused the F-600 furnace on the No. 2 Reformer to shut down. The shutdown of F-600 resulted in the Powerformer Feed Hydrotreater (RHLA-2) and the No. 2 Powerformer shutting down. The Powerformer is a major supplier of hydrogen to the refinery, and with the reduction in hydrogen supply, several units were forced to significantly reduce rates or shut down. The Feed Preparation Unit feeds RHLA-2 and with this unit shut down a valve was opened to send this stream from Feed Preparation to tankage. There is a second valve in this line that is normally open, but during this time it was closed. The second valve being closed led to a pressure increase in T-31 and caused the safety valve to release. The towe pressure was returne

Followup: No

Notes: Remeidal Measures - An investigation is ongoing and appropriate follow-up actions will be completed. Exxon states in their report that the accident was preventable. Their explanation is that the safety valve did not restart as it should have, nor did the operator know the second valve was closed. Could this be human error in addition to Instrument failur
7,574.0 pounds

#2 Light Ends Unit (E-568)
Cause: #2 Light Ends Unit experinenced a leak from their rebolier exchanger. The failure mechanism causing the leak in the exchanger is listed as unknown.

Followup: No

Notes: Incidents 06-00380, 06-00401 occurred simultaneously on January 19th and on Jan. 20th 06-00406 occurred, overlapping with the first two. The reportable quanitites for highly reactive volitile organic compounds and flamable vapors were exceeded whenthe emissions from these three events were summed over the first 24 hour period beginning with the initiantion of the rlease from the No. 2 Powerformer Unit. With regard to the 24 hour period beginning with the release at the MTBE Unit, there were nportable quanity exceedances for this period of time. The emissions limit exceeded the reportable quanitity threshold only during the time when all three incidents were taking place simultaneously. The mortar in T-4X will be replaced with a Furan re
48.0 pounds

Cause: Incomplete weld on #1 PHLA Line

Followup: No

Notes: Once identified line was removed from service andleak was clamped to stop release. Line will be re routed in overhead pipeband.
1,626.0 pounds

flange leak
Cause: no information given

Followup: Yes

Notes: Flange leak release was stopped by applied steam. Report stated the leak would be repaired the next morning.
20.0 pounds

Pipestill #10 tower
Cause: According to the LDEQ incident report, a leak in the Pipestill #10 tower spilt material on to concrete.

Followup: No

Notes: Water spray applied to knock down vapors. Some vaporized from the tower to air. Benzene and xylene were involved and initially reported as above reportable quantity. Exxon flared material for 29 minutes from the tower to isolate and make needed repairs.

oil spill
Cause: Approximately 1.6 barrels of powerformer feed was discovered in the knoxfield separator, which is a tankfield stormwater collection sump. The exact source of this oil is unknown. When the Refinery experience heavy rainfall on July 24th, it is suspected that the oil was flushed through the soil, into the sewer, and onto the separator that leaked from a line on July 18th.

Followup: No

Notes: A 5 gallon leak to soil of a similar material was discovered on July 18th. The July 18th leak was secured and no evidence of additional oil was found in the immediate area. A sample of the oil found in the separator on July 24th was analyzed and the characteristics were similar to that of the material from the July 18th leak. It is suspected that some oil from the previous leak may have migrated through the soil and into the sewer leading to this separator. A vacuum truck picked up the oil in the separator. The separator is monitored for additional oil that may accumulate in the next few weeks after the spill occurred as a result of the rain flushing the oil out of the sewer. The line that was found leaking on July 18th will be permanently repaired.
26.0 pounds

Spill/suction line
Cause: Leaking oil was caused by an improperly installed blind on a common suction line used for mixing gasoline components.

Followup: No

Notes: A vacuum truck immediately began to pick up the pooled oil. The blind was reinstalled and other installations for the same mechanical work were checked. Contaminated soil removed. The LDEQ reportable quantity for oil to soil (1 barrel) was exceeded and the RQ for Benzene (10 lbs) was also exceeded. Amount of Light Cat Naptha released was 11.3 barrels and amount of benzene released was 31.7 pounds.
84.0 pounds

Pulldown line leak/FLARE-Flare 5,17,29
Cause: Leak was discovered on the pulldown line for the Product Separator Drum at the Powerformer Unit. Initial findings indicate that the leak was caused by internal corrosion of the weld in a stagnant area of the line.

Followup: No

Notes: The line could not be isolated from the drum, so the decision was made to shutdown the unit in order to stop the leak. The line was completely depressured. During the process of shutting down the unit, flaring occurred from the #5, 17, and 19 flared. No reportable quantities were exceeded as a result of the flaring. Regular air monitoring was conducted during this event. The spool piece that leaked was replaced with a straight piece of pipe to eliminate the stagnant area in the line. Reportable quantities for benzene and flammable vapors was exceeded.
17.0 pounds

gasoline spill

Cause: Pinhole leak occurred in a line in the Knox tank farm area.

Followup: No

Notes: The leak went into the oil. Some may have vaporized to the air.

Flange leak

Followup: No

Notes: DEQ detected vapors containing pollutants with a HAWK camera after receiving odor complaint from citizen. Leaking flange was replaced on 01/11/08. See citizen complaint 01/10/08,Incident #10221

No Information Given
Cause: There was a pinhole leak in a pipe releasing benzene, VOC, xylene, and flammable gas.

Followup: No

Notes: The Unit was Shut Down. Below Reportable Quantities

transfer piping
Cause: Failure of line of transfer piping from gasoline tankage to loading line due to corrosion at the air-soil interface of piping.

Followup: No

Notes: RQ exceeded. Isolated line with blind installation. Replaced with new piping and special program has been initiated to emphasis piping that may be subject to air-soil interface corrosion. Contaminated soil removed. The refinery letter misstates that the accident occurred on 08/21/09. The following RQs were exceeded: xylene, toulene, ethylbenzene, napthalene, benzene, n-hexane, cyclohexane, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, VOCs, oil to soil, and flammable vapor.
24,759.0 pounds

No Information Given
Cause: Leak occurred, but no information provided regarding the cause.

Followup: No

Notes: RQ not exceeded. LABB does not have access to the LDEQ incident report.

701 tank manifold
Cause: Flange leaking at 701 tanks manifold located at R and 20th. Flange not tightened properly. Reason for unaligned flange is under investigation.

Followup: No

Notes: RQ exceeded. Line evacuated and flange was realigned and tightened. Contaminated ground has been removed. New quality control application expected to come out of the investigation.
158.0 pounds

A and B exchanger on #4 depropanizer
Cause: Hydrocarbon leak coming from one of two banks of exchangers of the #4 depropanizer. It is leaking from the shell side of the exchanger into the cooling tower water in the tube side of the exchanger. Leak was the result of unexpected corrosion of exchanger tubes.

Followup: No

Notes: RQ for propylene exceeded. Leaking exchangers isolated as soon as leak location determined. Tower was shut down and leaking tubes in overhead condensers were plugged to prevent further release.

No Information Given
Cause: According to the SPOC verbal report, a leak from the bottom of a tank caused the release.

Followup: No

Notes: Release is BRQ.

No Information Given
Cause: According to the SPOC verbal report, a leak from the bottom of a tank caused the release.

Followup: No

Notes: Release is BRQ.

E-2 Condenser into CT 18
Cause: On 10/5/11 at approximately 7:25 pm, the Baton Rouge Refinery discovered a release. A leak was discovered by operations personnel during structured rounds at the Pipestill #9 Unit. The release source was determined by a cooling tower, and investigation determined that heat exchangers in the E-2 bank were allowing hydrocarbon to enter the cooling water system. Upon discovery, personnel lowered the E-2 hydrocarbon pressure. By maintaining the hydrocarbon pressure below the cooling water pressure, hydrocarbon will not be released into the water. Gas testing performed in the area confirms that the release ended when the hydrocarbon pressure was lowered. Review of Pipestill #9 operations indicate the release likely began around noon on 10/5.

Followup: No

Notes: Weather conditions at the time of this release: 87 degrees, 6 mph wind from the east, no precipitation. To end the release, the hydrocarbon pressure was lowered, By maintaining the tower pressure below the cooling water pressure, hydrocarbon will not be released into the water. To prevent recurrence, the hydrocarbon pressure was lowered. The computer control system has been adjusted to minimize the tower pressure. A permanent bundle repair will be completed the next time the exchangers are removed from service. Reportable quantities of benzene and naptha were exceeded.
0.6 pounds

Cooling Tower CT-53
Cause: There was a false report of a leak of Xylene and VOCs at Cooling Tower CT-53. The false indication was do to a coincident addition of water treatment chemicals to the system. Therefore there was no release and no RQs were exceeded.

Followup: No

Notes: No RQs were exceeded as a result of this event.

2795-V6, Refinery Tank Farm
Cause: ExxonMobil Refinery Plant reported several operating compliance matters and potential RQ exceedances resulting from upset conditions caused by Hurricane Isaac. Tank 109: An external roof vent was discovered missing on tank 109. There was no damage to the floating roof of this tank and there are no additional emissions from the missing vent on the external roof of tank 109. Tank Socks: Multiple tank socks were discovered missing. Tank 785 Pontoon Covers: Four pontoon covers were discovered blown off tank 785. External Storage: No flaring occurred as a result of the temporary shutdown/curtail of butane and isobutane to alternative despositions to eliminate potential flaring Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS): CEMS analyzers at the BRRF may have experienced less than 90% data availability.

Followup: No

Notes: Tank 109: There were no additional emissions from the missing vent on the external roof of tank 109. Tank Socks: The missing socks will be replaced as soon as possible (or within 45 days). Tank 785 Pontoon Covers: Upon discovery, the pontoon covers were repositioned. There were no excess emissions. External Storage: No flaring occurred as a result of the temporary shutdown/curtail of butane and isobutane to alternative despositions to eliminate potential flaring Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS): ExxonMobil is working to determine the extent to which the CEMS analyzers may have malfunctioned. The findings will be included in the CEMS quarterly report. The report lists a summary of estimated pounds released until repairs. The report suggests that estimates are assuming it would take 45 days to make necessary repairs.
0.3 pounds

analyzer supply line
Cause: An analyzer supply line was discovered leaking.

Followup: No

Notes: Upon discovery the liquid material was collected on absorbent pads, and properly disposed of. The line was immediately isolated and depressured to stop the leak.
10.4 pounds

Cooling tower #32
Cause: Sample results indicated a release to cooling tower #32. The initial test results that indicated possible releases were later found to be erroneous, and there was no release to the cooling tower.

Followup: No

Notes: The refinery letter states that the initial test results were erroneously high, and there was no release to the cooling tower.

ruptured hose
Cause: On 5/26/14, at approximately 3:10 am, Dock personnel reported a silver sheen in the Mississippi River. While attempting to load xylene onto a barge, the cargo hose ruptured allowing 5.3 gallons of xylene to reach the Mississippi River an 4 barrels to reach the barge deck. The evaporative losses associated with the xylene spilled to the barge deck exceeded the reportable quantity for xylene.


Notes: Upon hose rupture, the transfer pump was stopped, all associated valves were blocked and the flow of material ceased. Both curtain and oil spill boom were deployed. The barge deck was cleaned utilizing a portable pump and oil spill pads. Actions to prevent recurrence included reinforcing operator structured rounds procedures and protocol. Spill occurred at Mile Marker 232 on the Mississippi River.
220.0 pounds