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Calumet Lubricants 8 (1214), Shreveport

Causal Factor: Equipment Failure

LDEQ Accident Number
Accident Date
Point Source(s) Notes Amount of Release

Sulfur Recovery Unit v-f
Cause: Catalyst problems in the SRU (Sulfur recovery unit). discharging above the 37.1#/hr for SO2 permit on the unit. Three hour rolling 1300 ppm SO2 is exceeded. 1560 lbs excess S)2 discharged OVER the RQ in the last 96 Hours. 4 days, 890lbs/day = 3560lbs emitted.

Followup: No

Notes: Emissions detail noted release of 890 lbs per day. Immediate corrective action notes that a variance was submitted to the state to change the catalyst.
Sulfur Dioxide: 3,745.4 pounds

Sulfur Recovery Unit, valve SO 5-1288
Cause: Valve failure; air monitoring found an excess of 1300 ppm for 3 hours Repeat incident of 78390. Date and report date are different but the details of the incident are the same.

Followup: No

Notes: SO2 release in excess of 1300 ppm.


Sulfur Recovery Unit
Cause: A valve failure at the SRU forced a unit failure. Light liquids made air demand controls hard to adjust. Average PPM of SO2 was 1450 (Reg Limit was 1300ppm).

Followup: No

Notes: Repairs ongoing but no specific remedial action taken to prevent recurrence.
Sulfur Dioxide: 455.0 pounds

No information given
Cause: A charge pump went down, flow was lost and a flange cooled and separated, the separation allowed oxygen to meet the heated product (diesel/hydrogen) which resulted in a fire

Followup: No

Notes: Calumnet employees extinguished the fire. All parameters tested were below their respected action levels. No further action taken.


Tank 43
Cause: Tank 43 was over-filled, releasing about 30 barrels inside the berm wall. Operations was just about to hand gauge it when the spill was discovered.

Followup: No

Notes: Stopped the flow and blocked both tanks in. Start with vac clean up.
Naphthenic Crude: 1,260.0 gallons

Sulfur Recovery Unit v-f
Cause: SRU incinerator SO2 over 1300 PPM limit for 4h in regeneration mode. 1450ppm SO2 and that is 600ppm over the four hour limit.

Followup: No

Notes: No Information Given


No information given
Cause: The SRU got plugged so the release was switched to the fla

Followup: Yes

Notes: No follow up report with the complete information. The SRU Unit may have been down from 8 am - 5 pm.


None Reported
Cause: The #1 Platformer Heater exploded when the unburned fuel gas ignited inside of the heater to to pilot light failure and burner malfunction.

Followup: No

Notes: The platformer caught fire in the lighting process. The fire incinerated the gases that were there, including hydroge

Tank farm - east sump lift station
Cause: Pump failure and products overflowed from east sump lift station

Followup: No

Notes: Vacuum trucks, soil remediated, three pumps in the sump repaire
Mixed Oil Products: 210.0 gallons

Tail Gas Compressor
Cause: Distance piece broke causing cylinder door to come off. A hole was created in the top of the casing. This caused immediate ignition of gases.

Followup: No

Notes: No remedial action. Release was below reportable quantities
Hydrogen: 56.0 pounds
Methane: 10.0 pounds
Ethane: 10.0 pounds
Propane: 10.0 pounds

Cause: On September 4th the floating roof of T-44 collapsed and no alternate storage was available as T-61 had been out of service since August 4th. Plans were in place to move the contents on T-44 to the other gasoline storage tank T-68, when the floor of T-68 developed a leak on September 31st and it was taken out of service.

Followup: Yes

Notes: T-61 will be back in service by November 6, and T-44 will be taken out of service until then.
Volatile Organic Compounds: 192,636.0 pounds

Cause: Roof sank on T-61 releasing approximately 100 barrels of gasoline through roof drain. Product was floating on water on the ground and was draining back into concrete process sewer system. Some product was also on the ground at T-61 and south towards T-44.

Followup: No

Notes: Secured area, took LEL readings, foamed area. Jones Env called to remove product.
Gasoline: 4,200.0 gallons

Flare #3
Cause: All 3 flare gas compressors shut down due to electrical breakers tripping.

Followup: Yes

Notes: Electrician called to repair/replace breakers.
Sulfur Dioxide: 252.0 pounds

#3 SRU
Cause: #3 SRU shut down to high temperature. The acid Gas was routed to the #3 flare until the #3 SRU could be restarted.

Followup: Yes

Notes: restarted SRU
Sulfur Dioxide: 5,600.0 pounds

unspecified boilers and heaters
Cause: SRU unit down because scrubber was not cleaning gas fast enough. Caused rich gas to burn in the heaters and boilers, releasing SO2 to the atmosphere.

Followup: No

Notes: #3 SRU started up to relieve problem.
Sulfur Dioxide: 1,619.0 pounds

SRU Units
Cause: Both SRU units down due to a damaged expansion joint on the wet gas scrubber. There is a release of SO2.

Followup: No

Notes: There is no information regarding amount of SO2 released. Replaced the expansion joint. LDEQ report only. No refinery letter included.


FLARE: Flare #3
Cause: Two Sulfur Recovery Units tripped and became plugged. The SO2 was routed to the number 3 flare and released. Production was reduced.

Followup: No

Notes: The SRUs were unplugged and repaired. There is no incident report in the file.
Sulfur Dioxide: 14,160.0 pounds

None Reported
Cause: The amine unit has a frac tank that skims the amine out, and this tank's carbon canister (helps to filter the odor), was noted to be damaged that morning. During the replacement of the canister, the odor that was released was noticed by the citizen.

Followup: No

Notes: The damaged canister was replaced, at which time the odor was released. Later that day, no odor was noted in the area.

FLARE: Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU)
Cause: LDEQ states that sulfur dioxide, exceeding 500 lb, was released to the #3 flare during an SRU failure. FLARE.

Followup: No

Notes: RQ. Reportable quantities for sulfur dioxide were exceeded. The facility conducted air monitoring throughout the incident. Nothing was noted on the air monitors. LDEQ report and FIF only.
Sulfur Dioxide: 9,297.0 pounds

FLARE: SWEPCO Transformer
Cause: LDEQ states that a blown SWEPCO transformer caused a plant wide power failure; sulfur dioxide was sent to the flare. FLARE.

Followup: No

Notes: RQ. Reportable Quantity. Power was restored after twenty minutes, and normal plant operations was resumed. Air monitoring was conducted by the facility at the incident. LDEQ report & FIF only. No refinery letter.
Sulfur Dioxide: 500.0 pounds

Tank Farm
Cause: Spill of 5 barrells (210 gallons) of oil from the frac tank near 201 tank. Bad check valve and ball valve caused material to backflow through frac tank releasing crude oil to secondary containment

Followup: No

Notes: The facility cleaned up oil with vac trucks and remediated the soil. They will replace faulty valves at equipment.
Crude Paraffinic: 210.0 gallons

Pump at the lift station from the API unit
Cause: There were mechanical issues and seal failure with the main lift pump, which pumps to the waste water holding tank (T-79). The pump was taken out of service, during which time untreated process waste water from the grit separator flowed directly into the Aerated surface impoundments.

Followup: No

Notes: Maintenance craftsmen made necessary repairs. There were failed attempts to start the backup belt-driven pump, but it cycled 3 times and lost prime, and operations was unable to re-prime it. As of 02/21/12, maintenance craftsmen were working with the repairs and were expected to complete them. The refinery letter advises that the bypass was not expected to cause any additional problems with effluent limits.


Flare #2
Cause: At approximately 7 PM on May 2, a PSA compressor tripped, routing gas to Flare #2.

Followup: No

Notes: No remedial actions taken. No exceedances resulted from incident and no emissions of reportable quantity were released. Gas was estimated to be 70 to 80 percent hydrogen. LABB was unable to locate a corresponding seven-day refinery letter.


Cause: The facility flared for approximately 6 to 8 minutes around 2045 hours on April 12, 2013, releasing Sulfur Dioxide from the flare when the diesel hydrotreator compressor went down.

Followup: No

Notes: This report was prompted by a concerned citizen reporting a Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide odor around the entire perimeter of the Calumet Lubricants Plant in Shreveport. LADEQ report indicates that Calumet representative James Desonier stated no major incidences occurred that evening. He stated that flaring occurred for about 6 to 8 minutes releasing Sulfur Dioxide because of diesel hydrotreator compressor going down.


Junction box
Cause: On April 10, 2013 for approximately one hour, 25 barrels (or 1050 gallons) of slop oil was released in the refinery tank farm area. This accident resulted due to a restriction in the line downstream of the junction box from a clogged pipe.


Notes: Lab results from clean-up were received on May 7, 2013. The soil samples were tested for gasoline, diesel and oil. The diesel results were very high as noted in the LADEQ report dated May 14, 2013. Mr. Desonier Calumet Shreveport representative) stated that despite these high results, he did not plan on doing any more remediation.
Slop Oil: 1,050.0 gallons

Sour crude unit #1 Atmospheric Tower Bottoms pump
Cause: Fire in the No. 1 Sour Crude unit due to failure of Atmospheric Tower Bottoms pump.

Followup: No

Notes: Isolate unit and remove feed to stop fire. Use fixed monitors and deluge system to contain. Repair pump. Field interview was conducted by LDEQ on 5/27.


Plant Boilers
Cause: The Facility lost the boilers due to the cold weather and the level transmitter froze up. When the boilers shut down, the whole plant shuts down. Therefor, there was not enough steam/ heat to operate the amine unit; the steam is used to regenerate the amine solution to scrub the sulfur out of the fuel gas. The amine unit is responsible for removing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from gasses. As a result, hydrogen sulfide derived from refining petroleum crude oil was allowed to build up in fuel gas. Sulfur dioxide was combusted out of the refinery heater stacks (CRG 0005) and released to the atmosphere. The fuel gas is used to fire all heaters and boilers in the plant facility-wide.

Followup: No

Notes: Hydrogen Sulfide was reported to be at 190 ppm (BRQ) however it was later discovered to be 590 ppm ppm = parts per million
Sulfur Dioxide: 559.0 pounds