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Phillips 66 (2538), Lake Charles

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #126343
State Police #10-05303, 10-05343
Accident Date2010-09-10
Report Date 2010-09-19
Follow-up Date 2010-09-23
Follow-up: Yes

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil13mpiping on Pump P-20038NONONO2,562.0 gallons
Hydrogen Sulfide13mpiping on Pump P-20038NONONOBRQ

Accident Classified As:

Cause of Problem: Piping or Tubing

Failure of piping network around the HGVO Product Pumb (P-20038) due to high vibration. Refinery states that offsite impact investigation concluded that .6 to 1/2 barrels of HVGO aerosolized and dispersed into the air.

Discharge Preventable - Yes

According to Follow-Up letter dated 12/22/2010, "The investigation determined 1. The pump discharge piping velocity greater than design standards resulting in excessive vibration. 2. The spring cans, piping and piping supports were improperly set."

Notes/Remedial Actions

RQ: The amount of HGVO released exceeded reportable quantities. The diameter of the discharge piping will be increased to recommended engineering standards and a program will be developed to identify and maintain settings on the spring cans. Second follow-up letter was dated 12/22/10.