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Motiva Enterprises (2719), Convent

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #88372
State Police #06-1643
Accident Date2006-06-06
Report Date 2006-06-13
Follow-up Date 0000-00-00
Follow-up: No

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Crude Oil1hrline at metering station at West Tank FarmNONONO126.0 gallons

Accident Classified As:

Cause of Problem: Corrosion

Leak developed in a dead leg in a line in the West Tank Farm at a metering station, which caused crude oil to spill on the soil and concrete surface. Exceeded RQ.

Discharge Preventable - No

"The leak resulted from corrosion in a dead leg. While Motiva and Shell Pipeline will work together to regularly inspect this line in order to mitigate the risk of future leaks, Motiva could not have reasonably anticipated this leak."

Notes/Remedial Actions

Shut down incoming pipeline, isolated line, deployed booms and placed 5gal bucket under leak, cleaned with vacuum truck, removed contaminated soil, repaired line. "This incident occurred at an interface between equipment owned and operated by Shell Pipeline and Motiva. Motiva will implement a 'bridging document' between Shell Pipeline and Motiva that will clearly identify accountabilities and responsibilities for inspection and maintenance of this interface."