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Motiva Enterprises (1406), Norco

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #77472
State Police #No Information Given
Accident Date2005-03-09
Report Date 2005-03-15
Follow-up Date 0000-00-00
Follow-up: No

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Oil1 hTank A-405NONONO210.0 gallons

Accident Classified As: Reportable Quantity

Cause of Problem: Maintenance/Procedures

Tank A-405 was being emptied for inspection. After several truck loads of solids were removed, some products/solids splashed out of the manway onto the ground. Material which had adhered to the sidewall of the tank may have fallen into residual materials in the tank bottom, causing a wave of material to splash out of the manway. The material overfilled the secondary containment which had been placed under the manway.

Discharge Preventable - No

There was no means to determine the existence of the material adhered to the tank sidewall or a feasible means to prevent it from suddenly releasing and causing the surge of oil from the manway.

Notes/Remedial Actions

The material was released to the soil and hydrocarbon vapors dispersed to the air naturally. Pumper trucks and clean up crews were immediately called to recover the oil. Upon completion of free-product removal, all stained soils were excavated. Soils that were removed were disposed of in the Motiva on-site landfill.